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For the Brand New Global Trade Business


ValuenCores' Business Knowhow expertly developed

Our leaders have achieved outstanding results in advertising, public relations, distribution and logistics over the past 20 years.


Years of experience


Ongoing domestic and international distribution projects

ValueCores has been carrying out various digital communication projects for distribution innovation as well as import/export projects.

Spain-Korea Trade

We look for comparative advantages in Spain and Korea.

Based on friendly relations with local partners in Spain, we promote the import of Spanish primary and 6th industry products and the export of Korean consumer goods products.

Olive oil
Influencer Marketing

Creating Opportunities for Comparative Advantage 

Creating Opportunities for Comparative Advantage 

Creating Opportunities for Comparative Advantage 

Creating Opportunities for Comparative Advantage 

Creating Opportunities for Comparative Advantage 


Planning and operation of a youth fulfillment entrepreneur festival connecting Seoul and the provinces

Creating Opportunities 

Creating Opportunities 

Creating Opportunities 

for Comparative Advantage 

for Comparative Advantage 

for Comparative Advantage